
Recruiting profile
Create a recruiting page to display your profile and video to college coaches
One hour consultation
Find out what your possibilities are in an informative meeting
Eligibility determination
We look into your eligibility situation in all the college divisions and advise accordingly.
Improve recruiting profile
We optimize your profile by making it as effective as possible based on what coaches are looking for.
College recruitment video
We optimize your video material by making it as effective as possible based on what coaches are looking for.
Reach our network of coaches
In addition to our relationships with coaches we will target ALL coaches that meet your requirements with a pre-approved newsletter (one time)
Communication with coaches
We put you in touch with coaches and arm you with info and advice to prepare you for the conversations.
Overview of universities
we provide a summary of interested schools and make recommendations based on school rankings (academically and athletic), campus life, experience, etc.
Test guidance (e.g. SAT/ACT, TOEFL)
In addition to providing study material, we support and advise on navigating the admissions tests.
We have regular telephone contact with coaches who fit your profile and frequent follow-ups regarding the newsletters sent out.
Translation services
Translation of high school/university transcripts and conversion into a grade point average.
Eligibility center Support
Advice and support on navigating the NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA eligibility regulations.
Assistance in the decision process
We arm you with information (academic and athletic) and guidance to help choose the school that is best for you.
Assistance with the application process
We will provide you with a personalized, clear roadmap of everything you need to do to apply. This includes amongst other things guidance and support with transcripts, letters of recommendation, housing, insurance, financial papers, immunizations, etc.
Visa support
Assistance in applying for your US student visa (SEVIS, DS-160, etc)
Support entire college career
Guidance and support throughout your 4-year college career.
Unlimited number of newsletters
We contact college coaches with unlimited pre-approved newsletters and have frequent follow-ups via telephone.
Test tutoring
ACT/SAT preparation lessons by our certified language expert partner via video chat as well as strategy and tips for test day.
Credit evaluation
Converting your education results into US equivalent for application and credit purposes.
All registration fees included
Payment for all standardized tests, NCAA/NAIA eligibility registration, application, and visa.
Guided campus visits
Official on-campus guided visit with a Made staff member in the US (flights/travel paid for).
Transfer student Package
Made recommends
No stress Package
Care free Package

What our student-athletes say about us


Graag wil ik Eric en Dennis bedanken voor de begeleiding bij het recruiting proces. Voordat wij begonnen gaf ik aan dat ik mijzelf wilde ontwikkelen op het gebied van tennis maar ook goede opleiding wilde doen. Doordat ik volgens de regelementen van de NCAA niet in alle divisies speelgerechtigd was hebben Eric en Dennis mij door de wirwar van regels geholpen. Het resultaat is dat ik nu in Amerika studeer met een praktisch volledige tennisbeurs bij een van de top teams in de NAIA. Ik krijg elke dag toptraining en zal over 4 jaar mijn bachelors diploma behalen. Ik vind het hier geweldig and I am living the American dream!

Bedankt Made Scholarships!

Sophie van Beijnum
Gainesville, USA

Made Scholarships was een essentieel onderdeel van het proces om uiteindelijk een sportbeurs te verkrijgen op een universiteit in Amerika. Dennis was buitengewoon behulpzaam in het contact met de verschillende universiteiten en gaf nuttig advies over hoe om te gaan met de verschillende situaties die je tegenkomt. Op basis van zijn ervaring kon Dennis vertellen waar ik op moest letten, zoals het verkrijgen van de juiste papieren, testresultaten en gaf hij tips om de overgang naar Amerika soepel te laten verlopen. Bovendien was het geruststellend om te weten dat Dennis direct beschikbaar was via telefoon, e-mail en Skype wanneer ik een vraag of probleem had.

Ik zou Made Scholarships zeker aanbevelen als je op zoek bent naar volledige begeleiding bij het vinden van een passende universiteit in combinatie met een sportbeurs.

Sean Verhallen
North Saanich, Canada

Bedankt Colt en Made Scholarships voor jullie begeleiding tijdens mijn zoektocht. Aanvankelijk was het proces intimiderend, maar ik ben dankbaar dat ik de goede mensen van Made Scholarships ter beschikking had om mij te helpen mijn doel te bereiken; College tennis spelen in de SEC op LSU. Ontzettend bedankt!

John-Michael Bush
Kennesaw, USA

Fill out the form below to find out about your chances of playing college sports in the USA.
After submitting your information, we will get in touch with you within a business day to schedule a free, informative meeting!

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